Club administrators (or match secretaries) can add players to teams before the season starts or during the season.

1. Login to your personal LTA account.

2. Select the club administrator icon on the left of the screen – you will now see your club page with your entry in the NECLTL.

3. Click on the NECLTL link and you will see your club’s summary page with the number of teams and players etc.

4. Click on ‘Teams’ on the left hand menu. You will now see a list of your teams.

5. Select the team for the new player and click on the ‘Actions’ box. 

6. Select ‘Edit players’.

7. At the top add the new player. 

The player MUST be a fully paid Bona Fide member of the club they are playing for and they must be registered with the LTA and have a personal LTA Advantage account and number.  See Rules 19.1.2 and 19.2 / Appendix F. The penalties for not complying with Rule 19.2 and Appendix F are severe – you have been warned! 

The player must affiliate themselves to their club in their account (i.e. they must have the club they are playing for as their venue on their LTA Advantage Account).

The player will appear and can be added to the team if they fulfil the above requirements.

Please see ‘How to add your venue to your personal LTA account’.