Welcome to the
North East Cheshire
Lawn Tennis League

The Home of Tennis in North East Cheshire


About the NECLTL

See Key Dates page for important forthcoming events
The 2025 season starts on Monday 31st March 2025
Please see the How To page for useful information
Slazenger Wimbledon Ball Special Offer from Jim Hall Sports - see the News section 

Welcome to the North East Cheshire Lawn Tennis League. Situated in and around the North East Cheshire and the South Manchester regions, 42 Clubs, with a combined 239 ladies and men’s doubles teams, play competitive tennis during the summer months. If you live in these regions there will be a club near you.

We have a full tennis agenda for the 2025 season planned. This includes 1237 league doubles matches, commencing 31st March and running through until the end of July. In addition to league tennis, we have the Acton Cup, an interclub knockout competition for mixed, ladies and men’s doubles and individual ladies and men’s, culminating in the finals to be played on September 7th. Also, the Rose Bowl, a one-day interclub competition, to be hosted by Cheadle Kingsway TC, the date to be advised. 

If you are an existing or new club secretary/captain/administrator, you will find all the information about the League and competitions on this site, including the “How To” section. The “How To” section has been developed to help captains and administrators with guidance on how to enter players’ names, upload match results on the LTA league software and much more.

Could I remind new and existing captains to conduct a safety assessment prior to any match and any concerns you have are to be discussed with the opposition captain. If any safety issues cannot be rectified pre match the fixture is not to proceed.

Finally, a big thank you to Slazenger our ball sponsor for their ongoing support of the league and competitions. Please make sure the world class Slazenger Wimbledon Ball is used in all league and competitions matches.

On behalf of NECLTL, we hope you have a great 2025 season.

Steve Thompson

NECLTL Chairman



For general enquiries email us at necltl1953@gmail.com or click below.