When offering opponents new dates there are a few things to consider:

1. Within 7 days of the postponed match, the home team must offer 3 weekday dates in 3 separate weeks. (Friday evenings are considered to be an acceptable weekday.)

2. The home team can offer weekend and Bank Holiday dates in addition to the 3 weekday dates.

3. Dates from 1-14 August should not be offered until the beginning of July.

4. The home team must look at the opponents calendar and, obviously, they can’t offer a date when the opponents already have a match. It’s also not ideal if their opponents already have a match either side of the offered dates, so home captains should try and avoid those dates too. If it is unavoidable then the opponents have to accept this.

5. The opponents must accept one of the offered dates within 7 days.

These instructions also apply when organising fixtures at the beginning of the season.