1. Late upload of a match result – £10 fine for each occurrence, Rule 14.1.2, 14.1.3 and Appendix E. 6.  All home captains must upload the result, as specified in the instructions in Appendix C, within 48 hours of the match being played. If the match was postponed due to poor weather, please inform the relevant NECLTL match secretary.
  2. Unknown Player – £10 fine for each occurrence, Rule 19.1.4 and Appendix E.6.  Please refer to the separate article in the “How to” section; Resolve an “Unknown Player” and avoid a £10 fine.
  3. Non-completion of the official Slazenger Match Card – £10 fine for each occurrence, Rule 14.1.5. Ensure that an official Match Card is completed at every match. To print a copy, use this link,  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JD0flbqL5iRuPA4D31DxMzYKuqFuFxBi/view 
  4. Late Subscription Payment – Double fine, Rule 11.2. Please ensure that your club pays the subscription amount by 1st May as detailed in the invoice sent to your club’s Tennis/Match Secretary (the invoice is usually sent in late March). Clubs who do not pay will be charged double the total amount; i.e. £20 per team x 6 teams, invoice paid on time = £120. Invoice not paid on time = £240.  Don’t get caught out! 

The NECLTL Committee would prefer not to issue your club/team with a fine or other penalty. If you need any help with any aspect please contact the relevant NECLTL Match Secretary – we are here to help.