A home captain can now add a player to their team themselves at any point in the season – but ONLY when uploading a result. A home captain can also add a new player to the away team when inputting the results for a match. This can be done using the ‘Add player’ option.

A club administrator (or club Match Secretary) can also add players to a team. See ‘Add a team member before a match – club administrators’

The player MUST be a fully paid Bona Fide member of the club they are playing for and they must be registered with the LTA and have a personal LTA Advantage account and number.  See Rules 19.1.2 and 19.2 / Appendix F. The penalties for not complying with Rule 19.2 and Appendix F are severe – you have been warned! 

The player must affiliate themselves to their club in their account. (i.e. they must have the club they are playing for as their venue on their LTA Advantage Account.)

If a player is a fully Bona Fide member and has affiliated themselves to their club in their LTA Advantage account, they will be visible when a captain uses the ‘Add player’ option and searches for them by name. This also applies to the away team player list. 

If a player is not a Bona Fide member, and/or has not affiliated themselves to their club in their LTA Advantage account, they will NOT be visible when the captain searches for their name and the home captain will have to enter an “Unknown Player” when uploading a result.

Please see ‘Add your venue (your tennis club) to your personal LTA Advantage account’.