The home captain entering results for a match will be able to see all the LTA registered players for the relevant clubs.

If a player is not visible for either team, the home captain can locate a player for each team using the ‘Add player’ option, second from the top on the drop down player list. They can search for the player by name or LTA number.

If the player is a fully paid up member of their club AND they are affiliated to the club in their LTA Advantage account, they will appear in the club’s list and can be added to the team.

If a player is not a member of their club AND/OR has NOT affiliated themselves to their club in their LTA Advantage account, they will NOT be visible from the club list.

If a home player is not found in the home club list,  the home captain can contact the relevant home player and ask them to create an LTA Advantage account and affiliate themselves to their club. 

If the player already has an LTA Advantage account, they should check their club affiliation.

If the home captain cannot immediately resolve the unregistered home player, they have the option of adding the relevant player as an ‘unknown player’ and then saving the results – see below.

If an away player is not found in the away club list, (including after searching for them using the ‘Add New Player’ option on the drop down box), the home captain will have no option but to enter and save the result with the entry ‘unknown player’. 


Saving a result with an ‘unknown player’: 

If a result is saved with an ‘unknown player’, an automated email will be sent to the relevant captain, with a copy to the League Match Secretary. This email will request that the unknown player affiliates their club to their LTA account. (In all cases the email also thanks the captain for inputting the results – even if they are the away captain! Please ignore this quirk of the system).

As a courtesy, the home captain should tell the away captain that the results have been saved with an ‘unknown player’ but are ready to be checked. This should be done within 3 days of the match date.

Once a match result has been saved with an unknown player, only the League Match Secretary can update the entry with the player’s name. 

The relevant captain has 7 days in which to ensure their player is registered with the LTA and affiliated to the club. They should inform the League Match Secretary when this has been done.

Failure to resolve an unknown player will result in a £10 fine per occurrence. Rule 19.1.4.


If you need any help please contact the relevant League Match Secretary:

Val Bowen; NECLTL Ladies Match Secretary;   or

Martin Sharman; NECLTL Mens Match Secretary;