1. Locate the website

2. Login using your own personal LTA Advantage username and password (top right hand corner and then LTA member login). If you have forgotten your Username and/or Password, please follow the relevant links. You MUST NOT create a new account. This causes all sorts of issues for you and the NECLTL.

3. You will now see the Home page of your account. From the menu on the left, see ‘Enter Results’. Click on the League name underneath to proceed.

4. See Upcoming matches to see your club’s matches.

5. To input a match result, select the right-hand side green box with the pencil symbol.

6. From here, you can enter scores.

7. Use the drop down menu to select or add each player for each team.

8. Enter the scores – input the losing sets first and then the winning sets (6) will automatically appear. 

9. NOTE: Following a tie-break, if you input a losing sets total of 5, the system will assume the final score is 5-7 so you will need to change the 7 to a 6, making the final score 5-6

10.  Click save. (Once saved you cannot edit the result – this can only be done by a League Match Secretary).

11. The saved match can be found on your club dashboard under Results.

12. Please see ‘How to resolve an unknown player’ and our other ‘How to’ articles if you have any problems, before contacting the relevant NECLTL Match Secretary.